About Us
What started as a group of retired coaches catching up over breakfast turned into a non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to graduating High School athletes from a variety of North State Schools.
In the fall of 2013, our founders Lon McCasland and Ron Wooley decided to form a non-profit organization known as the Nor-Cal Retired Coaches Association (NCRCA) dedicated to giving back to our youth. The organization has become a source for helping graduating high school student athletes, based on selected criteria, to assist them in pursuing educational opportunities at accredited colleges, universities, or technical institutions.
All retired coaches, and anyone looking to be part of making a difference in the lives of our youths, are welcome to be part of NCRCA regardless of the sport and level they coached or participated in.
Since the start of the Retired Coaches Association, we have awarded over $340,000 in scholarships to students from a variety of North State schools.
Goals of Nor-Cal Retired Coaches Association
To become known throughout our communities as a group interested in community involvement and improvement.
To identify graduating high school student athletes with financial assistance needs for post-secondary education.
To establish credibility and name recognition for our Association among business, civic, and community leaders in our communities.
Our Objectives
To raise funds for student athlete scholarships through charitable events.
To develop a scholarship fund as a result of successful fund‐raising events.
To explore additional fund‐raising events and to assist other worthwhile organizations with their community events.
To promote Nor‐Cal RCA to other retired coaches in the area in an effort to grow the Association.
The RCA is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit. Tax ID # 47-5438605
P.O. Box 990635, Redding CA 96099
Email: norcalrca7@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Norcalrca