Rest in Peace Gary Burks

Gary Burks, longtime Redding community leader, passed away March 10, 2021.  Gary was raised in Indiana and attended Winchester Village Elementary, Perry Central Junior High School and graduated from Southport High School in Indianapolis. He went on to attend and play football in college in Indiana.

Gary put into action the notion that you get back what you give in life and in business. A past president of the Rotary Club of Redding, he had been a significant ally and advocate of the Chamber and the north state business community for decades. As a member of the rotary, he exemplified Rotary's motto of "service above self." In addition to his membership in the Rotary Club of Redding and his work with community events, he was on the board of directors of the Redding Bank of Commerce (now known as Merchants Bank of Commerce) and was a board member for the Redding Colt 45's baseball team.

The untimely loss of our very generous supporter, Gary Burks, with Blach Beverage, was indeed a shock to all. Gary's commitment to this community has been evident for many years. The Nor-Cal RCA has been fortunate to have Gary on board with our fundraising goals from the beginning. His enthusiasm for life and the caring that he showed everyone around him, is his legacy. We will miss this "Bigger Than Life" personality.

Thank you for everything you’ve given our community Gary.