phillip wooley phillip wooley

Chalk Talk – June 2016

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. So too is the third annual Nor-Cal RCA golf tournament. With less than two months before the event, RCA members are staying busy volunteering for community events such as the Shea’s fishing day for a very special group of kids, held May 5th, at the Shea’s ponds in south Redding. A good time was had by all and will continue to be an event the Nor-Cal RCA looks forward to attending every year.

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. So too is the third annual Nor-Cal RCA golf tournament. With less than two months before the event, RCA members are staying busy volunteering for community events such as the Shea’s fishing day for a very special group of kids, held May 5th, at the Shea’s ponds in south Redding. A good time was had by all and will continue to be an event the Nor-Cal RCA looks forward to attending every year.

A good time was had by all and will continue to be an event the Nor-Cal RCA looks forward to attending every year. Also in May, on the 18th of the month, the second annual scholarship recipient luncheon was held. Attended by 90 plus people, the 15 recipients of this year’s scholarship awards were introduced to sponsors and RCA members in attendance. Platinum Sponsor, Shasta Regional Medical Center, sponsored the luncheon with Cyndy Gordon, CEO of Shasta Regional, congratulating the award winners personally.

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phillip wooley phillip wooley

Chalk Talk – April 2015

The initial season for the Nor-Cal Retired Coaches Association was a very successful one, way beyond the association’s expectations. The newly formed group hit the ground running and entered the world of fund raising at full speed. As stated in the first issue of the "Chalk Talk", over $15,000 was raised. The RCA was overjoyed with the response from the community.

The initial season for the Nor-Cal Retired Coaches Association was a very successful one, way beyond the association’s expectations. The newly formed group hit the ground running and entered the world of fund raising at full speed. As stated in the first issue of the "Chalk Talk", over $15,000 was raised.

The RCA was overjoyed with the response from the community. Our "Partners" included many outstanding businesses in the area. The first "Scholarship Golf Tournament" was held at Riverview Golf and Country Club on July 28th, 2014. $13,200 of that $15,000 was set aside for scholarships and as this second issue of the "Chalk Talk" is developing, the RCA Scholarship Committee, under the leadership of Bob Lowden, is in the process of selecting the scholarship recipients.

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phillip wooley phillip wooley

Chalk Talk – January 2015

 The formation of the NORCAL RCA (Retired Coaches Association) began in the winter of 2013 with a small group of retired friends getting together for a weekly breakfast at an old eatery on East Side Road. The size of the gathering grew over time and discussions were held regarding what we could do as a group to benefit the community.

The formation of the NORCAL RCA (Retired Coaches Association) began in the winter of 2013 with a small group of retired friends getting together for a weekly breakfast at an old eatery on East Side Road. The size of the gathering grew over time and discussions were held regarding what we could do as a group to benefit the community.

We eventually organized ourselves into the RCA with over 30 members. We began to involve ourselves in various community events, i.e., Holiday bell ringing at the Redding Walmart, and helping some special kids at the 38th annual J.F. Shea Fishing Party.

Our main project, however, was to organize and hold a scholarship golf tournament on July 28th, at Riverview Golf and Country Club. With the help of our many business partners we were able to raise over $15,000.00 which will go into a scholarship fund, to assist deserving high school seniors who desire a post-secondary education

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