Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, July 28th 2025
Save the date, our annual Golf Tournament! Be the first to sign up and enjoy golfing for a good cause!
Thank you
The Members of the RCA are so grateful to the local Enjoy Magazine & Editor Ronda Alvey for including the article about the Nor Cal Retired Coaches Association in the January 2019 issue. Writer Aaron Williams did a great job updating our fundraising progress over the past five years. This article is a great kick off for our fundraising golf tournament scheduled for July 29th, 2019.
Thank you KRCR
RCA Members hosted a “windy”, parking lot barbecue to thank our local Newscasters for their coverage of the Carr Fire. We appreciate your hard work in keeping us all up to date.
Left to Right: Ron Wooley, Bob Beale, Mike Moynahan, KRCR Reporter Jennifer Scarborough, RCA President Lon McCasland
Christmas Bell Ringing 2016
NorCal Retired Coaches Association had another great ‘ringer’ of a year participating in Salvation Army’s annual bell ringing fund raiser. Each year NorCal RCA takes part in local community events and fundraisers. Jim Middleton and Cheryle Thurman spread the joy as well as Paul Peterson, Frank Dewald, Bob Smith, Jet Thomas, Charlie Osuna, and others with an appearance by Santa Claus.